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Thursday, May 24, 2012

CBSE 10th Class Results 2012 for Class 10 released out !!!!!!!!!!

The CBSE 10th Class results 2012 for the Class 10 and 12 exams are nearing the time of declaration online. With that in mind, many students are reportedly having sleepless nights, along with fear and anxiety over how they did.

The CBSE results 2012 are expected within the next day for students, and apparently, the pressure parents put on kids to outscore their peers is weighing down. A recent report talks about the stress that students are experiencing in these times, as they await their latest scores.

One Class 10 student, Priyanka Nath, commented:

"For the last two days, I just could not sleep as I can feel the pressure build up. Another girl who appeared the examination from a different board in my colony scored 90%, and my mother said she will be ashamed to face our neighbours if I will score less than her."

According to Times of India, Psychiatrist D Sahoo also weighs in on the topic, saying "The expectations of parents must match the capabilities of children. Parents should stay calm and should not overreact, if their child does not do well." Try telling that to parents in America, right?

It seems that there is stress that goes with grades and test taking no matter what the level of school, or the country, city, state, or town the exam is given in. All parents are different just like all students, and it's probably most important for the students to realize that one score or exam doesn't necessarily define you. With that in mind, the best of luck and success is wished to all of those as they receive their CBSE results for 2012 in Class 10 and 12!


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