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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie split family!!!

When a baby is born, then, it is said, that the wife becomes a mother and her priorities change.And Brangelina have a pack of 6 children and though they are a big reason of their smile.At times, the presence of kids may mar the romance element a bit. Here is how, Angelina and Brad should spice up the fading romance:1. Nanny or no nanny; still at times, staying up all night (to pacify your crying child or to change a wet diaper) may make one sleep-deprived and hence, a tad annoying.This may result in venting out the pent up anger against each other. Brangelina must avoid.This and understand each other to persist with a great camaraderie. 2. Both...

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie split!!!

Brangelina in happier timesHollywood’s Golden couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have officially split.I’m sad because I’m a Brangelina fan. News Of The World reported that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have signed a $330 million split deal!Though Brad and Angelina are not married, the tabloids claim that the two have taken “legal steps to dissolve their union including how to divide their fortune and who gets custody of their six kids.” A source told NOTW the agreement will give them joint custody, but the children will all live full-time with Angelina. “The contract was like a tailor-made version of a pre-nuptial agreement except for...

Angelina Jolie - Golden Globes 2011 Red Carpet with Brad Pitt!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are perfection on the red carpet at the 2011 Golden Globe Awards at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday (January 16) in Beverly Hills, Calif.The 35-year-old actress is nominated for the award for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical for her work on The Tourist!Angie is up against Annette Bening, Anne Hathaway, Julianne Moore, and Emma Stone.FYI: Angie wore a gorgeous long sleeved emerald green gown encrusted with Swarovski crystals by Atelier Versace, Ferragamo shoes and a clutch, and Robert Procopjewels. Brad suited up in...

2011 Golden Globes: Angelina Jolie and Anne Hathaway cover up

Opting to cover up instead cleavage-out at the Globes were Angelina Jolie andAnne Hathaway. Donning similar long-sleeved embellished dresses, the actresses proved that old saying that often less is more. Emerald was a popular colour choice throughout the evening and it was great to see Jolie wear some colour instead of her usual dark blues and blacks. This spangly Atelier Versacegown was a fabulous look for her and simply popped against the red carp...

ganguly's second innings as commentator!!!!!!!!!

Former India captain Sourav Ganguly said he was excited about his new role which would give him a chance to shake hands with his former teammates. Ganguly has been been signed by ESPN STAR Sports as an expert analyst for the 2011 World Cup that begins on sunday in india&nb...

java the complete reference text book for free download

Take JAVA to the max with expert help Beginning, intermediate, and advanced JAVA programmers alike take note: everything you need to get the best performance out of your applets and servlets is packed into JAVA 2.0: The Complete Reference. World- renowned authors, Patrick Naughton (ESPN’s Sportszone, Disney, and ABC News Web sites), Herb Schildt, the world’s leading programming author, and Joseph OAENeil add 30% more material to their hugely successful past editions of this best seller. They show you exactly how to develop, compile, debug, and run Java applications and applets quickly and confidently. Plus you’ll...

Foundations of basic java

 hi friends this book is the basic level for all java programmers and to download this book pleasr click read more............................. ...

indian celebrities with rhynoplasty surgery

It is said that almost all Bollywood actresses and actors have undergone plastic surgery. Plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery in Bollywood celebrities is common, after all, face is fortune and boobs are 'assets' for sure, aren't they? Okay, lets us look at Indian actors, actresses with plastic sugery and botox...

Black or White: The deracination of Michael Jackson

In the grab bag of oddities that is the second half of Michael Jackson’s biography — the seclusion at Neverland, the child molestation charges, the short-lived marriage to Lisa Marie Presley, the dangling of an infant over a balcony parapet, the illnesses, the addictions, the money problems, the unlikely friendships with Arab sheikhs — none is weirder and more troubling to some than Wacko Jacko’s increasingly deracinated physical appearance. As the young star of the Jackson 5, Jackson — the enigmatic and reclusive megastar who died yesterday of cardiac arrest at the age of 50 — began his career with medium-brown skin, African features and a...

clebrities with rhinoplasty surgery

Continued from our female celebrity nose jobs part 1 article. This post contains before & after nose jobs of the follow celebs: Heidi Montag, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Aniston, J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez), Jordan, Kate Moss, and Kate Winslet. Click here to view the pics! Continued from our female celebrity nose jobs part 1 article. This post contains before & after nose jobs of the follow celebs: Heidi Montag, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Aniston, J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez), Jordan, Kate Moss, and Kate Winslet. Click here to view the pics! ...

Interview skills text book for free download

Got a job interview next week? Congratulations! Interviews are the deal-breaker that can win or lose you the job, so now's the time to brush up on those interview skills. Have you prepared answers for all the tricky questions that interviewers can throw at you, like 'Why would you like to work here?', 'What are your weaknesses?', or those thorny scenario questions where you have to think on your feet? "Interview Skills that Win the Job" will give you the confidence you need to stay calm and in control to impress even the most hardened of interviewers. No more long-winded answers, debilitating nerves or being stumped by difficult questions...


Hi All Book Title:8051 Microcontrollers An Applications Based Introduction" By David Calcutt, Frederick Cowan, Hassan Parchizadeh Description: The 8051 architecture developed by Intel has proved to be the most popular and enduring type of microcontroller, available from many manufacturers and widely used for industrial applications and embedded systems as well as being a versatile and economical option for design prototyping, educational use and other project work. In this book the authors introduce the fundamentals and capabilities of the 8051, then put them to use through practical exercises and project work. The result is a highly practical...


Great interviews arise from careful groundwork. You can ace your next interview if you:Enter into a state of relaxed concentration. This is the state from which great basketball players or Olympic skaters operate. You’ll need to quiet the negative self chatter in your head through meditation or visualization prior to sitting down in the meeting. You’ll focus on the present moment and will be less apt to experience lapses in concentration, nervousness, self-doubt and self-condemnation. Act spontaneous, but be well prepared. Be your authentic self, professional yet real. Engage in true conversation with your interviewer, resting...

c++ complete reference text book for free download

C++ from scratch This is a wonderfull ebook on C++ in pdf format and its free to download with following topicsl Chapter 1 - Introduction l Chapter 2 - Getting Started l Chapter 3 - Program Flow l Chapter 4 - Creating Classes l Chapter 5 - Playing the Game l Chapter 6 - Using Linked Lists l Chapter 7 - The Canonical Methods l Chapter 8 - Using Polymorphism l Chapter 9 - Implementing Templates l Chapter 10 - Leveraging Standard Template l Chapter 11 - The Computer Guesses l Chapter 12 - Delegating Responsibility l Chapter 13 - Persistence l Chapter 14 - Exceptions l Chapter 15 - Next Steps l Appendix A - Binary and Hexadecimal l...


                                          Description: This books gives you the details of the "c" language coding using which you can produce powerful, efficient, and portable code. Go get it today if you want to be a programmer. This book was written with two groups of readers in mind. Whether you are new to C and want to learn it, or already know the older version of the language but want to find out more about the new standard, we hope that you will find what follows both instructive and at times entertaining too....

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Megan Fox Surgically Enhanced?

When something seems too good to be true in Hollywood, leave it to those curiousity seekers to get to try and reveal the truth. Megan Fox who seems flawless, is under question by those who took to the internet to see if Fox has had any plastic surgery enhancements.  According to the Examiner.com, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Raan Samayin, says,"Megan Fox was attractive before her surgeries, there is no denying that. But her look was simple, girl next door and definitely not distinct. She was not a memorable face and would not have catapult to this degree of fame with her original fac...

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