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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Studio Abhyas was found in 2001 by Navtej Johar. A serene yoga sanctuary in South Delhi, the studio offers a variety of yoga classes, workshops and retreats. No brassy media blitz, no aggressive spiritual posturing, and a determinedly low-profile is the Abhyas creed. The studio attracts diverse professionals, house-wives, senior citizens and children for its general and intensive group yoga sessions. It also offers one-on-one yoga-therapy, Vedic chanting and runs a Yoga Sutra Study Group.
Style of Yoga at Studio Abhyas
According to Sri. Krishnamacharya, yoga involves the working of the body, mind and breath work in tandem. His son and disciple, T.K.V. Desikachar adds that yoga is about the body, breath mind and "something more".
Navtej Johar, the founder of Studio Abhyas, is a student of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai and is a firm believer in the teachings of Sri. Krishnamacharya and Sri. Desikachar.
Adhering to the body/mind/breath trajectory, the teaching of yoga at Studio Abhyas incorporates asana,pranayama and meditation into a cohesive practice that involves both rigor and mindfulness. Being a dancer, Navtej also emphasizes the element of alignment and the engagement of the extremities in the articulation of the asana. Breathing in asana is a distinct feature of this style, whereby the breath is used both as a gauge and a tool to experience and establish the asana mindfully. Engaging the mind, calming it, offering it repose and clarity is the goal of yoga at Studio Abhyas. And this is achieved through the methodically paced practice of asana designed to tone, limber, align, stretch and strengthen the body and through the subtle techniques of pranayama, where the breath is used as a bridge between the body and the mind!
Classes are taught in small groups so that special attention may be given to the needs of each individual; and vary from being gentle to very challenging.
Meditation: Studio Abhyas also offers classes in meditation inspired by the teachings of Sri. Krishnamacharya and Sri. Desikachar and based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Using breath as the basic tool of self-awareness, the meditations may range from developing techniques of refining breath-awareness to meditations based on enquiry. Enquiry, including self-enquiry, being integral to calming the mind and stilling consciousness!
Please note that we do not offer trial classes at Studio Abhyas


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