Actor Jr NTR will wed fiancee Laxmi Pranathi, daughter of businessman Narne Srinivasa Rao, on May 5. The wedding will take place in Hyderabad. The families from both sides will have a `lagna patrika veduka' on Sunday as part of the ceremonies.
It was on April 1, 2010, that Jr NTR got engaged to Laxmi Pranathi. Since Laxmi Pranathi had not yet turned 18, the families did not want to rush through the wedding.
Currently Jr NTR is shooting for a film titled `Shakti' produced by Aswani Dutt. The film is expected to be released in April.
Former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, actor Balakrishna and others will attend the ceremony on Sunday. Narne Srinivasa Rao is also related to Chandrababu Naidu.
It was on April 1, 2010, that Jr NTR got engaged to Laxmi Pranathi. Since Laxmi Pranathi had not yet turned 18, the families did not want to rush through the wedding.
Currently Jr NTR is shooting for a film titled `Shakti' produced by Aswani Dutt. The film is expected to be released in April.
Former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, actor Balakrishna and others will attend the ceremony on Sunday. Narne Srinivasa Rao is also related to Chandrababu Naidu.
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