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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hair Growth Cycle

How does healthy hair grow?

There are three main phases of the individual healthy hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen, and telogen.  Anagen is the active hair growth phase in the hair growth cycle. It lasts for about 4 to 5 years. In the 5th year, the catagen stage evolves, a period of regression of the hair follicle. Ultimately, the hair falls out at a resting period, called the telogen stage. By the 6th year, new hairs grow and the hair growth cycle begins again.  

The number of hair on a healthy scalp is approximately 100,000. On a normal human scalp about 90 percent of follicles is continually in the anagen stage of the hair growth stage.  The average rate of hair fiber growth is around half an inch per month.  This rate varies depending upon the hair follicle and the age of the individual. 

What is a normal hair loss?

On average, 50 to 100 hair fall from the head every day in a normal hair growth cycle.  New hair starts to grow from the same follicles.  Hair starts to recede when fewer number of new hair is in the re-growth stage. 
Why hair stop growing?

Recent research found that the protein important in hair, bone and cartilage structure, collagen, may harden around the root of the hair and cause hair loss.  Collagen hardening interferes with the normal hair growth by suffocating the roots of the hair. The hair cycle slowly becomes disrupted and more hair is shed showing hair loss problem.  In time hair growth stops completely and baldness results.


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