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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baba Ramdev youga

Here is something very basic about Yoga. Yoga is not just about postures, it is about breating too. And the technique you adopt has to be absolutely correct.
Image courtesy - Google, link to original image
The wrong technique could lead to injuries of any sort. It could even render the entire exercise useless!!
Image courtesy: comfortinstylemag dot com
  • If we really do want to achieve inner calm, let’s spend some time in silence!!
  • If we desire happiness and a sense of purpose in life, let us spend time with the less fortunate – we will not only help them, but will also automatically realise how much we ‘have’ as compared to what we hanker after!!
  • If we want to look thin and glamorous, then let’s eat sensibly and work-out every day, rather than buy a ‘Heal with Lara’ Dvd!
Well, the only ray of light in this sort of a money-making venture is that the common man/woman may not find the sight of a Baba Ramdev visually appealing (!!!), but might just be tempted to have a taster of ‘Yoga’ just because a filmstar endorses it!
Having said that, it seems ridiculous for people to try and learn Yoga from a DVD.
It is like reading a book or watching a DVD on ‘How to Swim’ and jumping straight into the ocean!!!


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