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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

World’s Top 5 Technology Brands

Technology is all around us, the school, to office to your desktop and of course in the course of everywhere you go and everything you do. Have you given thought to people who makes these things so that life because “Simple”?
Probably not! Right. Following is a list of Top 5 Technology brands who have made a mark in the world with their products, services and related work in Information Technology Sector.
Most of them are really… i mean extremely popular and i think most of you will recognize them and say, “Yeah! of course, i knew they are going to be in the Top 5… who else could be.” They have been in the tech world for so long that their success in almost predictable.

I can’t believe you didn’t knew this rank holder, Google is a giant in search engine, ranked number 1 in Alexa Traffic ranking just before Facebook.com which is a social network.
Other than that Google is primarily here because of an idea, the idea to provide quality services to netizens for free. Most of their services including GMAIL, Orkut, Google Docs are free yet they make a fortune out of it, this is called ‘Smart Business Models’.
Some Amazing Statistics : Google has a brand value of $114 billion, it’s brand value surged up 16 percent from last year, the search engine is recorded to have been used 1 billion times last year, the company earned $6.5 billion revenue out of $23.5 billion from online ad sales on its free services like YouTube, Gmail and Google Search itself.
ibm logo
IBM is one brand that is revolutionizing the equation of computing, although its products are no so popular, see Lenovo for example and is beaten down in the market by Dell and HP… still they have other ways to contribute significantly to the IT world.
It has technology-partnered in Energy and several other sectors which are considerably dependent upon technology. If you are seeing some massive utilization and implementation of tech it’s probably because of guys working at InternationalBusiness Machines Corp. (IBM).
Their brand tagline is impressive too… “Working to build a smarter planet“.
Some Amazing Statistics : It grew 30 percent from last year and replaced Microsoft Corp. at second position, it is more than a 100 years old and employs 4 lakh people, the Armonk, U.S. IBM brand saw a compound annual growth rate of 24 percent. The brand at the moment is worth $86.3 billion.
Apple is not a feeble brand, it is very popular and specially for its design and the zeal to ‘think different’, it makes electronics, computer electronics but with a touch of originality, they have specific and differentiating design, great OSs and a lot more.
Their Apple iPods and the path-breaking iPad has left no space for Tablets to take over. Though Android operating-system is rising, Apple still eats up the maximumshare.
Some Amazing Statistics : Since last year, it has grown a massive 32 percent because of release of iPad and iPhone 4. Its revenue on single iPhone has doubled and the net revenue at the moment is massive $8.7 billion. The brand value of Apple is reported to be $83.7 million, slightly low than IBM.
When we are talking about PC, how can we forget Microsoft, the company that gave world the idea to work with machines and calculate using computers. Although itsentertainment Pod Zune was a fail, it still managed to make a lot this year.
Some Amazing Statistics : This year, company has similar brand value of $76,344 billion as of last year. Microsoft had spent extensively on ad-campaigns for Windows 7 and Windows Phone 7 which is their upfront operating system for mobile devices. This launch allowed them to stay at no.4 though they have dropped 2 places as compared to last year. It employs around 80000 people over the globe.
Hewlett-Packard is one the giant in selling computing products, HP has so far being known to produce the state-of-the-art gadgets and this year they also tried their hands with HP Tablet PC and operates on Windows 7 OS.
HP, though facing some major competition by Dell has appropriately managed to grab the last position in the list.
Some Amazing Statistics : HP has shown a 50 percent increase as compared to last year, showed statistics. The reasons probably are improvement are the rebranding of EDS (Electronic Data Systems) and re-launch of brand in the year 2009. The company has a net worth of $39,717 billion, further company has tried to innovate their brand with the new tagline, “Let’s Do Amazing.”
It seems these guys have totally take hold of the top positions in the IT world and show no sign of losing grip, these top 5 companies of computing and information technologysector show nothing is impossible because all had humble beginnings.


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