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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angelina Jolie Nose job (Rhinoplasty), Chin Implants, Lip Augmentation

Jolie at 12
Angelina Jolie Chin Impalnts, Nose Job(rhinoplasty)
Most people around the globe are fascinated by one of the beautiful and hot hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. But there are many rumors saying that she have had some plastic surgery procedures to look how she looks now. Some people believe that she have had chin implantsnose job and lip augmentation and some believe that she never had a plastic surgery cause a weight difference can accentuate facial features cuz when people loose weight, change on all body or face is obvious. 

Child Angelina JolieTeenager angelina jolie
Teenager Angelina jolie

Madam Zorra (astrologer) makes a claim about Angelina Jolie's chin. She says Angelina Jolie used to have a small snub chin but "through her own active intervention has averted a lonely fate. Through plastic surgery, she has filled out her very prominent cleft and also lengthened her chin, giving it a softer curve...."
Angelina jolie Before and After

Well looking at these pictures you can say that she did have a nose job, and probably a chin implants. Her nose was quite bulbous looking before, wheras now it looks quite narrow...like it's being pinched with a clothespin.Her jaw also looks quite mannish now, compared to before. And i'm sure that she didn't have a lip augmentation because she had those lips like since she was a small child as you can see at these pics.


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