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Showing posts with label wight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wight loss. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Soon, an ‘intelligent diet’ to feel full and yet lose weight

 Soon, an ‘intelligent diet’ to feel full and yet lose weightLondon : Researchers in Aberdeen are working on an ‘intelligent diet’, which they believe will allow people to enjoy eating and feeling full, but stilllose weight.
Professor Julian Mercer, the head of obesity research at the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, and colleagues are investigating how food interacts with the gut and brain to try to understand what makes people eat more and put on weight.
They want to help create foods that allow people to enjoy what they are eating, but that also means they do not pile on excess pounds.
The researchers said they already knew that food containing controlled amounts of protein helped people to feel full quicker, so that they ate less.
By finding the mechanisms, which cause this feeling of fullness linked to eating protein, they hope to create products and recommend diets that allow people to lose weight and keep it off.

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