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Showing posts with label uk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uk. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sugar really does make us sweeter

Sugar really does make us sweeterLondon, Aug 14 : Sugar really does make us sweeter – by helping us digest bad news, says a new study.
It is believed that the sugar rush provides the brain with the fuel it needs to push away thoughts of blame and revenge, making it easier for us to forgive and forget.
“These findings provide the first evidence that forgiveness depends on how efficiently the body uses glucose,” the Daily Mail quoted researchers at the University of Kentucky as saying.
The researchers team looked at whether there was a link between symptoms of the most common type of diabetes and the ability to forgive.
Type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity and usually develops in middle age. Sufferers struggle to turn glucose, or sugar, into energy needed to fuel the brain.

Estrogen not linked to lung cancer mortality in postmenopausal women

postmenopausal womenWashington, August 14 : A new study has found that use of estrogen alone did not increase lung cancer mortality in postmenopausal women.
In the Women''s Health Initiative (WHI) trial, which consisted of several clinical trials on postmenopausal women, one study showed women with previous hysterectomy taking combined estrogen plus progestin therapy had a statistically significant increase in lung cancer mortality, but not incidence.
Other studies with combined hormone therapy have had conflicting results. But the influence ofestrogen alone was unclear.
To determine whether use of estrogen alone was associated with lung cancer incidence and increased lung cancer mortality, Rowan T. Chlebowski, of the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, and colleagues, in a post-hoc analysis examined data from a previous randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in the WHI.

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