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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

IIMs announce new pattern for CAT 2011|| CAT 2011 pattern changed !!!!!!!!!!

CAT 2011 will now have only two sections and not three as earlier and the examination time has been extended to 140 minutes.IIMs and their partner in conducting the online CAT test -- Prometric -- said that the two sections would be: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation and Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning. In the new method the IIMs have clubbed the sections which were divided into three parts in the older method. As per that method the three sections included Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability and Analytical Reasoning and Data Interpretation.The candidates will also be provided 15 minutes tutorials before the examination starts. Including the tutorials timing, examination will be of two hours and 35 minutes- (140 minutes of exam and 15 minutes of tutorials).Candidates will...

Einstein’s 23 biggest mistakes || E=MC2 vs E=MV2 !!!!!!!

1905 – Mistake in clock synchronization procedure on which Einstein based special relativity. 1905 – Failure to consider Michelson-Morley experiment. 1905 – Mistake in transverse mass of high-speed particles. 1905 – Multiple mistakes in the mathematics and physics used in calculation of viscosity of liquids, from which Einstein deduced size of molecules. 1905 – Mistakes in the relationship between thermal radiation and quanta of light. 1905 – Mistake in the first proof of E = mc2. 1906 – Mistakes in the second, third, and fourth proofs of E = mc2. 1907 – Mistake in the synchronization procedure for accelerated clocks. 1907 – Mistakes in the Principle of Equivalence of gravitation and acceleration. 1911 – Mistake in the first calculation of the bending of light. 1913 – Mistake in the first...

CBSE CTET Result 2011 Announced at www.cbseresults.nic.in || CBSE Results 2011 || CBSE Result: CTET Results 2011 Announced Today Online !!!!!!!

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Exam Results 2011. CBSE CTET Results 2011 announced on 26th July, 2011 at 19:30 Hrs. Central Board of Secondary Education CTET Examination held in June 2011. To know more about the results, candidates can visit the CBSE'sofficial website: http://cbse.nic.in/.Candidates who appeared for the CBSE CTET Exam 2011 can check their respective results by logging in to the aforementioned website. To view the roll number wise result one can also visit the direct link given below link.CBSE is a self-financing body which meets the recurring and non-recurring expenditure without any grant-in-aid either from the Central Govt. or from...

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