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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Einstein’s 23 biggest mistakes || E=MC2 vs E=MV2 !!!!!!!

1905 – Mistake in clock synchronization procedure on which Einstein based special relativity.
1905 – Failure to consider Michelson-Morley experiment.
1905 – Mistake in transverse mass of high-speed particles.
1905 – Multiple mistakes in the mathematics and physics used in calculation of viscosity of liquids, from which Einstein deduced size of molecules.
1905 – Mistakes in the relationship between thermal radiation and quanta of light.
1905 – Mistake in the first proof of E = mc2.
1906 – Mistakes in the second, third, and fourth proofs of E = mc2.
1907 – Mistake in the synchronization procedure for accelerated clocks.
1907 – Mistakes in the Principle of Equivalence of gravitation and acceleration.
1911 – Mistake in the first calculation of the bending of light.
1913 – Mistake in the first attempt at a theory of general relativity.
1914 – Mistake in the fifth proof of E = mc2.
1915 – Mistake in the Einstein-de Haas experiment.
1915 – Mistakes in several attempts at theories of general relativity.
1916 – Mistake in the interpretation of Mach’s principle.
1917 – Mistake in the introduction of the cosmological constant (the “biggest blunder”).
1919 – Mistakes in two attempts to modify general relativity.
1925 – Mistakes and more mistakes in the attempts to formulate a unified theory.
1927 – Mistakes in discussions with Bohr on quantum uncertainties.
1933 – Mistakes in interpretation of quantum mechanics (Does God play dice?).
1934 – Mistake in the sixth proof of E = mc2.
1939 – Mistake in the interpretation of the Schwarzschild singularity and gravitational collapse (the “black hole”).
1946 – Mistake in the seventh proof of E = mc2.


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